Product category



Solid metal scored disc designed for Non-fragmentation

Sizes : 20mm – 600mm

Pressure: 1-250barg

Operation ratio: 85%

Vacuum Support Required:NO

Suitable for gas or liquid service


Technical features:

• Solid metal scored disc designed for Non-fragmentation

• Operating ratios up to 85% of the low end of burst tolerance(Contact BasCo for higher ratios)

• Withstand full vacuum without additional support

• Suitable for liquid, gas, or two-phase applications

• Sizes from 20mm to 600mm

• Burst ratings from 1barg to 250 barg

• Standard materials: Nickel, Stainless Steel

• Able to be combined with safety valve

• Attached 3-dimensional stainless steel tag is engraved with complete disc specifications


•Fluoropolymer liners or coatings

•Burst Indicator

• Railcar Disc

Working Principle

LC Series Discs mount with the concave surface facing the process media. As pressure increases above the recommended operating ratio,the score lines weaken until rupture occurs.When the LC Disc ruptures,the Disc opens along the score lines and folds back against the holder outlet.

Protection of Safety relief valve

• Use of rupture discs in combination with relief valves can prevent corrosion of the relief valve internals.

• Tell-Tale Assembly:Pressure Gauge、Tee、Excess Flow Valve、Tube